Responses to ABmunis' 2022 Water Survey

Our members have indicated it is time to update ABmunis' water policies. The Sustainability and Environment Committee began a new engagement process by seeking input on existing foundational policy principles.

The full set of surveyed principles can be found here. More than 60 municipalities responded, representing large cities, mid-sized cities, small cities, towns, villages and summer villages. Seventy per cent (70%) of responses agreed with all but two principles.

Half of respondents agreed with the statement, “The costs of municipal water and wastewater services should be borne primarily by users.” Responses indicated that the capital costs for water infrastructure is a challenge for smaller communities who can’t rely on the economies of scale that help larger municipalities. Comments also indicated the challenge of meeting regulations imposed by other levels of government.

Two-thirds of response (66%) agreed with the statement, “Decision-making is supported by clear, scientifically based, accurate and publicly available information on water availability, quality, use, and the health of aquatic ecosystems." While the statement itself was supported, some responses questioned whether this principle was applied in practice. Concerns about the quality and comprehensiveness of existing water data were raised.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to the survey. The responses will inform the prioritization of water issues for Alberta Municipalities.