Join a committee

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Join a Committee

If you are a municipal elected official or senior administrator and want to shape the direction of our policy and advocacy work, please apply to participate on one of our committees!

Participating on a committee provides an opportunity to influence the direction of policy and programs while ensuring your municipality’s interests are addressed. In addition, you will gain greater awareness of our initiatives and can increase your network and leadership skills.

Committee applications for the 2024/2025 term are now closed.


Our committees

The ​Audit and Finance Committee is responsible for ensuring the overall integrity of financial systems and practices for the Association and its associated entities.

The scope of matters that will be addressed by the Committee includes labour and immigration; jobs, economy, innovation, and technology; energy policies and market access; and advanced education.  

The scope of matters that will be addressed by the Committee includes municipal infrastructure and its financing, municipal  infrastructure related grants and transfers, tangible capital assets, asset management, transportation and public works, roads and bridges, rights of way including utilities, and disaster planning and emergency management.

The Investment Advisory Committee is responsible for using appropriate methodologies and processes to ensure the internal investment funds and those held in trust or by agreement are well managed and operate in compliance.

The scope of matters that will be addressed by the Committee includes the Municipal Government Act and related legislation, property  assessment and tax policy, municipal revenue and cost sharing, intermunicipal cooperation, the municipal sustainability strategy, roles and responsibilities of municipalities, citizen engagement, Indigenous relations, and convention resolutions. 

The scope of matters that will be addressed by the Committee includes health and safety (including emergency medical response and police funding); social programs (FCSS, poverty reduction, affordable housing, and homelessness); culture and recreation; and welcoming and inclusive communities.

The scope of matters that will be addressed by the Committee includes reviewing and providing advice on opportunities and challenges affecting the sustainability of small communities; in addition, the committee is responsible for providing a small communities perspective on key Alberta Municipalities policy initiatives.

The scope of matters that will be addressed by the Committee includes water; climate change; clean air; brownfields; solid waste management; land use planning and cumulative effects management.