Lethbridge using neuroscience to engage kids in outdoor activities

With children out of school due to COVID-19, Alberta communities may want to investigate an innovative program taking place in Lethbridge that encourages outdoor activity and early childhood development.

Walk-and-play activity posters have popped up on lampposts around Lethbridge to make walks around the community more interesting to little ones. The posters, placed by University of Lethbridge neuroscientists Drs. Robbin Gibb and Claudia Gonzalez and the Building Brains Together (BBT) group, are designed for families to engage their children with simple activities as they make their way around the city paths.

The activities include games like a walk bingo card (you take a picture with your phone and fill it out as you walk), an exercise to look for colours along the path, and even an obstacle course where kids run around benches or jump on pathway cracks. All the activities are informed by neuroscience research.

Municipalities that might want to start their own walk-and-play program could check out the activity ideas on the Building Brains Together website.