Call for municipal photos

AUMA is gearing up for our annual report, and once again we are looking to our members to share photos that we can include in our report, and potentially other communications and marketing materials.

This year, our theme is “leading through change” and we’re hoping you have some great photos (along with a very brief story describing the photo) demonstrating how you helped lead change in your community during 2017.

Here are a couple of examples to inspire you:

If you have a photo and content you’d like to include in our annual report, please ensure they follow these requirements:

  • Photos are high resolution (preferably 300 dpi) in jpg format
  • Blurb describing photo is very brief – no more than 50 words (preferably less)
  • You have the express consent of any identifiable people in the photo
  • Photo and activity took place in your community in 2017
  • Ensure the photo description includes your name (e.g. MunicipalityofJasper.jpg, TownofVegreville.jpg)
  • If you create a separate document for the blurb to go along with the photo, use the same naming convention for the document

Photos and content can be uploaded into the AUMA Communications Google Drive.

Deadline for submissions:  Monday, May 14, 4:30 p.m.

We look forward to your contributions! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact jsargent [at] (Jackie Sargent) or rstackhouse [at] (Rena Stackhouse)