Board Member Profile: Bruce McLeod
Bruce McLeod is Alberta Municipalities' Director of Villages South, sits on the Executive Committee as Vice-President of Villages & Summer Villages, and is an active member of the AMSC Board of Directors. Bruce is the Mayor of the Village of Acme.

What attracted you to join the ABmunis board?
I'd attended Convention and other events for years and I saw how dedicated the Board of Directors was to the association’s members and Albertans. Their dedication to the citizens of this province was consistent with my philosophy about giving back to my community for the betterment of everyone. Joining the Board gave me an opportunity to learn from other municipal leaders about how to get things done and fulfill my philosophy. And it has.
What are you most proud of in your time in municipal politics and the Board?
I've been on ABmunis’ Board of Directors since 2017. It’s difficult to pick a single issue or one achievement as there have been so many over the last six years. But for years, Alberta Municipalities has been lobbying the Government of Alberta to increase the funding pot for municipalities for both capital projects and operations. Earlier this year, the provincial government announced that operating funding would be doubled. This was a great win for our member communities, especially for the Small Communities (aka Smalls). This increase will help maintain staff levels in the Smalls so that they can serve their residents.
I’ve been the Mayor of the Village of Acme for the last 13 years. It has been rewarding to see that the Village is financially stable and that there’s a strategic plan in place to ensure Acme’s infrastructure will be updated.
Which of Alberta Municipalities’ products & services has your municipality taken advantage of?
The Village of Acme uses several products, including Employee Benefits, Insurance, High Interest Savings program and Power+. Power+ gives the Village cost certainty and predictability on its electricity – something that will help Acme for many years.
What would you like your colleagues in other municipalities to know about ABmunis?
Alberta Municipalities is a member-based association. Its members lead the Board in the direction that will best serve every member-community, from the smallest to the biggest. All the elected representatives I have met care deeply for their residents. They see the value of working together to achieve gains that benefit everyone. Be proud of what we have accomplished.
What excites you about the future of municipalities in Alberta?
Municipalities in this province know how to get things done. We are finding diverse ways to achieve our objectives, which in turn benefit our residents. By sharing our strategies and approaches with each other, we can move Alberta forward and position it for future success and prosperity. As local elected officials, we have sworn an oath to protect our residents’ futures. The future looks bright, but we must not let our guard down.