Asset Management Workshops for Elected Officials

AUMA and AAMDC, with support from Infrastructure and Asset Management Alberta (IAMA), are excited to bring you one-day introductory asset management workshops for elected officials and senior administration!

These workshops are the first of three rounds of workshops in Alberta made possible through funding received from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP). In partnership with the AAMDC and AUMA, workshops will be offered free of charge.

Asset Management for Elected Officials: The Strategic Basics:

This full-day workshop is open to elected officials and CAOs. Register for workshops in these locations:

In addition to the Asset Management for Elected Officials workshops, we are also partnering on additional workshops starting later this spring for elected officials and municipal staff. Visit for details and registration information.

Wondering why you should attend one of these workshops? Get inspiration from FCM’s four-minute video: Why invest in asset management?

This initiative is offered through the Municipal Asset Management Program, which is delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada.

For more information, contact Ryan Osterberg, Policy Analyst, (email rosterberg [at] (rosterberg[at]auma[dot]ca)) or call 780.989.7426