Answers to your questions on Alberta’s 2020-21 budget

On February 27, 2020, the Government of Alberta released its budget for the 2020-21 fiscal year. The next day, AUMA hosted a webinar to report on our preliminary analysis of the budget and its impact on Alberta’s municipal governments and communities.

During the webinar, participants posed a variety of questions that AUMA was unable to answer given the information available. AUMA also had further questions for the provincial government. As such, we followed up in early March and are now pleased to release our report, Questions and Answers on Alberta’s 2020-21 Budget. The report outlines the responses from provincial ministries, as well as some of AUMA’s own findings.

Since the province released its budget, the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus and significant declines in oil prices have had a detrimental impact on Alberta’s economic environment. As a result, the province may take steps to adjust its budget, which could change each ministry’s answers to AUMA’s budget questions. We will monitor this over the coming months as we wait to receive responses from all ministries.

We will update the report as additional responses are received from the province and will share those updates in our Digest newsletter.

Updated versions of the report will be available on AUMA’s Budget 2020 webpage, where you can also view our summary report on Alberta’s 2020-21 budget.