Extended Producer Responsibility programs make the solid waste system more efficient

Ecofiscal Commission recently released a report on incentives to make the solid waste system more efficient. The report finds that the key to an efficient waste management system is getting incentive rights and relying more on market-based policies.

One of the recommendations is that provincial governments should expand, reform, and harmonize Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) programs. EPR programs make producers financially and physically liable for the ultimate management of the materials in the products they produce. In other words, these programs can ensure producers have a clear price incentive to improve the way their goods are managed after their useful life. If designed well, EPR programs can also encourage manufacturers to make their goods with fewer materials or materials that are easier to recycle and compost.

AUMA is pleased to see that another research report has identified the benefits of EPR programs. AUMA has advocated for the expansion of the existing recycling program and an EPR paper and packaging program for Alberta. The lack of an EPR paper and packaging program in Alberta has led to municipalities paying more for residential recycling. We are working with members to build grassroots support and to inform the Minister of Environment and Parks on the urgency to modernize Alberta’s recycling system. Our Waste Management Hub has information on EPR infographics, Alberta’s existing recycling programs and a letter template that you can share with your local MLAs.

Ecofiscal Commission was formed by a group of experienced, policy-minded people from across the country that seeks to put practical policy options on the table.