Be a municipal ENERGY STAR

Municipalities are always looking to reduce costs and be socially conscious. Managing your municipality’s energy is one of the best ways to touch on both at the same time.

How do you do that? Simple: register and benchmark your buildings in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. Through this free tool, your buildings can apply for ENERGY STAR certification because better energy management can lead to dollars saved.

What is ENERGY STAR certification? It is a new and exciting recognition program for best-in-class energy performance, which launched on March 26, 2018. This coveted program will highlight superior energy performance in municipal facilities.
Registering and benchmarking your facilities can get you certification and recognition as an energy efficiency leader among buildings across the country.
Submit an application for ENERGY STAR certification before April 30, 2018, and if approved, your facility will earn the distinction of being among the first ENERGY STAR certified buildings in Canada!

What do you need to do to participate?

  1. Register your municipally owned building in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.
  2. Benchmark your facility with at least 12 consecutive months of energy data.
  3. Submit your application for ENERGY STAR certification between March 26 and April 30, 2018, 11:59 p.m. PDT

It’s that simple. For more information, please visit the Energy Star website or email nrcan.energystarcertificationbuildings.rncan [at] (Energy Star directly)

To receive information on AMSC’s work with Energy Star and our Energy Retail Program, contact dengel [at] (Dustin Engel)