Province pre-qualifying vendors to provide accommodations for isolation

Our members have raised questions to the provincial government about standing orders and pre-qualifications for vendors providing accommodations and transportation services during COVID-19.

AUMA has received additional information from the Government of Alberta and encourages members to share the below information on pre-qualification requests (PQRs) with your local chamber of commerce.

Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) has issued specific orders regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. These CMOH orders detail restrictions and prohibitions which are intended to protect Albertans and prevent the spread of COVID-19. They include a requirement that certain individuals isolate or quarantine at home.

For various reasons, some of these individuals are unable to isolate or quarantine at home, so the province has issued two pre-qualification requests to:

  • establish a standing offer list for commercial accommodation where approved individuals can isolate or quarantine; and
  • identify pre-qualified vendors with the ability to provide passenger transportation services to and from the commercial accommodation for the approved individuals.

Pre-qualified vendors will enter into contracts with the province for the provision of accommodation services and passenger transportation services. These contracts will be valid up to December 31, 2020. These procurements are subject to Chapter 5 (Government Procurement) of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement, and the New West Partnership Trade Agreement.

The PQR documents containing full details are available on the Alberta Purchasing Connection website. The website also contains information about who to contact with any questions regarding the PQRs.

Please also see AUMA’s COVID-19 webpage for more information and supports related to the pandemic.