November is National Fall Prevention Month

November is National Fall Prevention Month and, according to, slips, trips and falls not only account for $3.4 billion in direct health care costs in older adults, but also send 215 of them to the hospital every day. This also makes up a number of claims and litigation municipalities experience.

With winter upon us, the frequency of falls outside increase due to icy surfaces, wet entrance floors and snow covered objects. Also, there tends to be an increase in use of recreational facilities and public buildings as people look to stay active in the comfort of indoors.

Having great housekeeping and regular safety checks where the public has walking access can prevent injuries to staff and guests. Also, regular inspections and documenting efforts in a log will demonstrate great effort on part of the municipality if a clams or litigation arises. Even areas that the public has access to but might not be a walkway, such as bleachers or playgrounds, require regular inspections to ensure these structures are in safe, good working order.

Become familiar with or brush up on slip, trip and fall prevention and risk management strategies by reviewing the AUMA’s e-Learning materials at