Member principles ignored in pending changes to the Local Authorities Election Act

On December 1, the Legislature debated and passed at third reading Bill 45, the Local Authorities Election Amendment Act, 2020 (NO. 2). The bill makes two changes, including implementing a $30,000 per person limit on contributions to third-party advertisers.

While AUMA appreciates that a limit is being introduced, the limit far exceeds what the average Albertan can contribute, allowing big money to drown out the grassroot voices. In June, AUMA members overwhelmingly endorsed a set of principles that the Government of Alberta should consider when making changes to the LAEA. These principles include fairness and inclusivity and are consistent with the views of Albertans, as expressed in the public survey conducted by the province in the spring.

AUMA understands that Albertans support lower contribution limits to, and spending limits on, third-party advertisers, neither of which are contained in Bill 45. We are disappointed the provincial government has been unwilling to follow the guidance of Albertans expressed during their own consultations, and we reiterate our request for reasonable limits on contributions and spending by third-party advertisers in advance of the 2021 municipal elections.

For AUMA’s comments earlier this year on amendments to Local Authorities Election Act, visit our website here and here.